Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I'm a scientist.  Specifically, a geologist.  When I explained my job to a classroomful of kindergarteners that my bestie Maria teaches, it was pretty easy.  All I said was that I am a scientist, and that I study the earth.  From what Maria tells me, they were pretty excited and asked her in the following weeks "when is the scientist coming back?"  Hopefully I got some of them excited about science from my short conversation. 
Very few females go into the sciences (biology/physics/chemistry/geology - you know, the ones you have to take to satisfy credits in undergrad), mathematics, or engineering.  Only 3/10 graduates in those degrees are female.  It was quite obvious in school when myself, Merideth, and Karen were the only girls in a class of 30 people (and even more obvious when I am the only girl in meetings here with 20 other people).  More power to us, though!  I am proud that my company participates in STEM, to get girls involved in the technical degrees early in life. 
Since most of my friends are fellow geologists and engineers, a youtube video link came up frequently to me over the past few weeks. If I have a girl, I hope she follows in my own footsteps and excels in the maths and sciences.  Especially because there are two of us scientists in the house now, since Adam is a geologist as well. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this commercial goes along with what you are say: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/11/19/goldieblox_commercial_rewrites_the_beastie_boys_urges_young_girls_to_pursue.html
