Tuesday, November 26, 2013

25 week bump!

 How far along? 25 Weeks exactly
Total weight gain/loss: Plus 14 pounds
Maternity clothes? Swapping in between maternity and non-maternity clothes. 
Stretch marks? No
Exercise this week? has been lacking
Sleep: My dogs take up too much room on the bed
Best moment this week: Finding out I passed my gestational diabetes test!
Miss Anything? My mom.  I pulled out some baby things from when I was a child and made me sad that I can't ask who made them
Movement: Yep - although the baby likes to stop moving when Adam comes to feel
Food cravings: Still not really, but I am looking forward to Thanksgiving food!  Adam on the other hand ate a half gallon of ice cream.  What a fatty. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: An empty tummy.
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In....but creeping outward
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Weekly Wisdom: Keep calm, travel on.  With the impending winter storm, we are just going to play it by ear, and hope all is passed by Turkey Day when we leave.   
Looking forward to: Seeing our family!

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