Tuesday, December 3, 2013

26 week bump

How far along? 26 Weeks exactly
Total weight gain/loss: Plus 16 pounds....let's hope some of that is water weight leftover from Thanksgiving
Maternity clothes? Swapping in between maternity and non-maternity clothes. 
Stretch marks? No
Exercise this week? Much better than last week!  Walked every day over Thanksgiving, walked yesterday, and did zumba class today
Sleep: I keep waking up on my back.  I hope that's okay.
Best moment this week: When I finally had a stranger know I was pregnant and not just fat.  The TSA agent didn't make me go through the body scanner, and I went through the metal detector instead
Miss Anything? No, I'm pretty good this week
Movement: Yes!  lots and lots
Food cravings: Not so much 
Anything making you queasy or sick: An empty tummy.
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor Signs: No, just some random Braxton Hicks contractions (which I didn't know what it was until my friend Jessica told me....I figured it was just me being weird). 
Belly Button in or out? In....but creeping outward
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Weekly Wisdom: Drink more water   
Looking forward to: The work Christmas party - Zac Brown Band is the entertainment this year

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