Tuesday, October 1, 2013

17 Week Bump

Here we go, 17 weeks.  Next week I'll start my 5th month...crazy! 
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Plus 3.4 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes only, but the belly band with work pants.  That's why I wear dresses a lot at work.  It's more comfy. 
Stretch marks? No
Exercise this week?  Zumba classes, treadmill, walking outside, elliptical, and bicycle have all made their appearance the past two weeks
Sleep: I've been uncomfortable.  I am trying to sleep on my left side but I really am a back sleeper.
Best moment this week: Seeing some friends at a birthday party last weekend for a 1-year old and being crafty with another friend.  Also, decorating a duck at work.  
Have you told family and friends: Yes, everyone knows.   
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back!   
Movement: Not yet - but I think I feel something.  Just not sure if its baby or stomach bubbles.
Food cravings: Nope, still not yet.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just my toothbrush still.    
Have you started to show yet: Yep, looks like it.  I'm going to delete this question next week...it's obvious the answer will be yes.   
Gender prediction: Girl.  
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Weekly Wisdom: Take a walk when you feel tired at work.  It will perk you up.   
Looking forward to: The weekend!  Adam is home this weekend, yay! 

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