Sunday, August 5, 2012

New closet space

I am a big fan of having good shelving in closets, both in my own closet and the others in my home.  I want my things neat and tidy, not laying on floors or shoved into corners.  We have 4 bedrooms, and the master has two closets (his and hers), so I had a lot of wood working to do (in the three that needed it).

Here is a picture of the shelving I put in my own closet, for my shoes.  It's sooo expensive to buy premade shoe/closet racks, and this one was cheap - just pine boards ($10 for a ~7' board), and we already have a miter saw that I used to make my cuts with.

All the closets had were hanging rods and a shelf above them.  So, with the bigger guest room closet, I could add shelving and another row of hanging rods - for a side with shirts/pants, and a side for longer things like dresses or suits.  Plus the shelves in between, which I plan on buying more of the storage bins as pull-outs to keep things tidy. 

Here are my before and after pics of the two guest closets I did today (oh, and it only took a couple hours to finish).

And guest room closet #2 is a little smaller, so I only added shelves.  The third guest bedroom has some stackable shelves already, so I didn't need to add to that, and Adam's closet has the same thing too, so that was omitted also.

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