Tuesday, January 21, 2014

32 Week Bump

Looks like my short stature has caught up to me, and my belly can only grow outwards from here!  Lookout world, here comes a giant stomach!
How far along? 32 Weeks, not sure the days
Total weight gain/loss: Plus 28 pounds (ugh, I hid my scale so I only know what I weigh at dr appts now)
Maternity clothes? Swapping in between maternity and non-maternity clothes still (SCORE!).
Stretch marks? No
Exercise this week? Zumba class and treadmill still
Sleep: Not so good
Best moment this week: Will be my baby shower tomorrow at work!!!
Miss Anything? My old shape
Movement: Yes!  He moves most around 7 am, 2/3 pm, and 7/8 at night
Food cravings: Some citrusy fruits
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not recently
Labor Signs: Just Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? In - in fact, I think I might make it the entire time without it popping out!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody now, sheesh
Weekly Wisdom: Get some comfy workout gear 
Looking forward to: My shower!

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