So, two interesting things happened to us yesterday. We had dinner at an Italian place, and Adam saved a turtle's life.
Adam found a turtle in the garden, and so he wanted to keep it. The next thing I know, we have a giant aquarium and 3 red-eared slider babies.
Yesterday, he picked up the turtle we named Cruiser out of the aquarium. Cruiser had wedged himself between the glass and the heater, and we thought he had died. Adam blew in his face a few times, and before you know it, little Cruiser perked up and came back to life! It was amazing.
Cruiser feels better now. He is all happy this morning and ready to not die again.
The other story involves dinner. Last night, we went to dinner with our friend Todd and his girlfriend Brooke. We went to a nice little Italian place <disclaimer - the food was delicious>. Our server was Jose Gonzales, and he served us authentic Italian food. When we were seated, we got our drinks. I ordered Merlot, and Brooke ordered Cabernet. Thinking all was fine, we continued our conversations. Soon however, we got a taste of how the night would go.
Here comes Jose - he tells Brooke that Cabernet and Merlot are the same. WTF? No they aren't. Finally, she gets her wine, but we have to taste/smell test to make sure he didn't get confused again. In the meantime, Todd ordered some escargot. 5 minutes later, he comes Jose - Jose can't remember what Todd ordered, so he again tells him escargot. Well, then the manager comes over - they're out of escargot. That's fine, no biggie. Jose shows up again, and tells Brooke that we have other appetizers, and tells her about the moserla. She can't understand what he's saying, so she has him point to the menu item (oh, its mozzeralla sticks.). No thanks.
Time to order our food. We order, and all is well. 5 minutes later, Jose appears again. Even though we thought he was writing down our order, I guess he was just doodling, because he forgot what Brooke wanted. She re-orders, and we wait for our food to arrive.
Here come the plates. Oh look, someone's order is messed up. Adam has been given capellini with tomato sauce instead of the fettucini alfredo with clams he ordered. So we wait again for his to be corrected.
Finally, his food arrives, and we ate well. When the manager comes over, he offers us free desserts, since Jose is such a screw up, and so we get dessert. Brooke has to quiz Jose, to make sure he isn't going to forget between here and the kitchen what we ordered.
Oh man, what an experience. Pretty funny night for us.